How to convert JAZZ SIM to ZONG

How to convert JAZZ SIM to ZONG

If you want to Transfer or convert your SIM JAZ to ZONG you are in correct place. Today we know about "how to convert JAZZ SIM to ZONG". It is easy very easy method to transfer or convert any SIM to any other SIM network.

You no need to go SIM franchise to convert SIM. You can change your SIM network into other SIM network at home without money paying. You can convert your SIM to any network. So let start it to learn how to transfer or convert SIM.

How to convert JAZZ SIM to ZONG

·      ·       First, take your JAZZ network SIM phone which you want to convert to ZONG.

·     ·       Open message section in phone and write “MNP” in message body section and now send it on 667.

·      ·       After few time or seconds you will receive message and in message asking will your name and CNIC number.

·     ·       Now your CNIC number and name you send it on 76313.

·      ·       After few seconds, you will receive confirmations SMS from ZONG SIM network.

·      ·       Within 4 to 5 working days your JAZZ network SIM will have changed to ZONG SIM network.

·      ·       You did not need to go on SIM franchise to transfer your SIM into ZONG.


I hope your problem “How to convert JAZZ SIM to ZONG” have solved your problem, if you have any problem contact on JAZZ helpline number. JAZZ helpline number is 111.

FAQ for How to convert JAZZ SIM to ZONG

Q1. How can I convert my jazz SIM to ZONG SIM?

You can convert your JAZZ network SIM to other networks. Read this post from 1st page and I hope you will understand how can I convert my jazz SIM to ZONG SIM.


Q2. Which network is best in Pakistan?

I think jazz is a best SIM network telecommunication in Pakistan. Jazz is a 1st largest SIM network in Pakistan. Jazz have 60 Million users in Pakistan.

In Pakistan 2nd position have ZONG. ZONG is a best 4G SIM network in Pakistan to use data. Mostly people Pakistan use ZONG network to use data Because ZONG is a super 4G SIM network. ZONG have 20 Million users in Pakistan.


Q3. What is the full form of MNP?

MNP stands for Mobile Number Portability. This is the ful form of MNP (Mobile Number Portability). MNP is used to change SIM network or ownership to one SIM network to other SIM network.


Q4. Is jazz better than ZONG?

Yes off Couse jazz is better than ZONG and others all networks of Pakistan like TELENOR,  ZONG, UFONE, WARID. Jazz is a number 1 SIM network in Pakistan. Jazz is a 1st largest SIM network in Pakistan. Jazz have 60 Million users in Pakistan.